Getting around Venice

For any tourist information please visit Venezia Unica, the Official Tourist and Travel Information of Venice


There are City Centre lines that cross Venice mostly using the waterways of the Grand Canal (Canal Grande) and the Giudecca Canal. They leave from Tronchetto or from Piazzale Roma and go as far as the Lido (lines 1 and 2). There are also connections around the external lagoon perimeter of the city. City circle lines go as far as Murano and the Lido (lines- 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6).

One way ticket is € 9.50. 

We suggest to purchase daily tickets if you plan to take more than 2 ferries per day

from the Venezia Unica website, or once you have arrived in Venice. The all-inclusive tickets include all the navigation lines. 

Other options are possible especially if you plan to come back in Venice (Unique Venezia Card from €20 (students <26 years) to €100 (non residents) gives the right to pay €1.5 tickets for a period of 5 years).


You can arrange a private boat for fast transfers in Venice. Water taxi costs depend on your final destination. For more details on the rate that will be applied, ask the staff in charge before booking or boarding the vehicle.

Click on the following links for some taxi companies’ contact details: