Parallel Sessions 1
Tuesday, Jan 23rd. 11:00 - 12:30
1A: Temporal and Spatial Networks
Aula Magna G. C.
Chair: Eugenio Valdano
11.00 - 11:15 Antonio Longa
Community aware temporal network generation
11.15 - 11:30 Georges Andres
Bayesian time-windows inference for temporal networks
11.30 - 11:45 Wenchuan Yang
Towards probabilistic prediction of population flow through spatial-temporal denoising diffusion process
11.45 - 12:00 Yonit Rusho
The never-ending network: evolutions in time-varying networks
12.00 - 12:15 Alessia Galdeman
Uncovering statistically significant graph evolution rules for analyzing temporal network
12.15 - 12:30 Carolina ES Mattsson
Robustness of extracting possessions from match events in professional football
1B: Economic and Financial Networks I
Meeting Room 1
Chair: Aurelio Patelli
11.00 - 11:15 Vinko Zlatic
Analysis of initial shocks effect on systemic risk
11.15 - 11:30 Sophia K Baum
Adaptive shock compensation in the multi-layer network of global food production and trade
11.30 - 11:45 Massimiliano Fessina
Pattern-detection in the global automotive industry: a manufacturer-supplier-product network analysis
11.45 - 12:00 Marzio Di Vece
Commodity-specific triads in the Dutch inter-industry production network
12.00 - 12:15 Jan Hurt
Supply chain due diligence risk assessment for the EU: A network approach
12.15 - 12:30 Jan Fialkowski
Credit risk amplification in a multilayer network of supply chain and interbank exposures
1C: Social Groups and Political Networks
Aula 3B
Chair: Laura Alessandretti
11.00 - 11:15 Yelena Mejova
Narratives of war: Ukrainian memetic warfare on Twitter
11.15 - 11:30 Edward Lee
Discovering the mesoscale for chains of conflict
11.30 - 11:45 Katherine E Abramski
Cognitive networks built from online rape narratives reveal link between passive voice usage and psychological distress
11.45 - 12:00 Simon A Rella
Growing antisemitic sentiments in a network of early Austrian alpinists
12.00 - 12:15 Vejune Zemaityte
Using relational hyperevent models (RHEMs) to examine gendered team formation in the Soviet film production industry
12.15 - 12:30 Antonio Scala
Unveiling political dynamics: Network analysis of voting behavior in the Italian parliament
1D: Higher-Order Interactions I
Aula 10B
Chair: Giovanni Petri
11.00 - 11:15 Sebastiano Stramaglia
Synergistic informational circuits in complex systems: gradients of O-information
11.15 - 11:30 Luca Faes
High-order interactions as pairwise networks: An information dynamics approach
11.30 - 11:45 Arnab Sarker
Co-present triads
11.45 - 12:00 Iacopo Iacopini
The temporal dynamics of group interactions in higher-order social networks
12.00 - 12:15 Luca Gallo
Higher-order interactions reveal complex memory in temporal networks
12.15 - 12:30 Georges Andres
Modelling Hypergraphs: the curse of dimensionality