Parallel Sessions 2

Tuesday, Jan 23rd.  16:00 - 17:30

1A: Statistical Inference on Networks

Aula Magna G. C.

Chair: Vinko Zlatic

Stochastic modelling of multi-edge graphs: The role of edge-multiplicities and their constraints

Compression-based inference of network motif sets

Predicting links in networks with incomplete observations

Distinguishing group preferences from ranked hierarchies in directed networks

Identity matching within and across anonymity-preserving systems via network oriented approach

Transient relationships in human communication: Identification and features

2B: Dynamics on and of Networks I

Meeting Room 1

Chair: Caterina De Bacco

Universal bounds for spreading on networks

The unreasonable effectiveness of number-theory in the K=1 critical Kauffman model

From dense to sparse: Optimal transport in a random graph framework

Towards optimal heterogeneity: The role of structure, temporality, and functionality on the criticality of complex networks

Broken detailed balance in non-normal networks

Deeper but smaller: Higher-order interactions increase linear stability but shrink basins

Synchronization on a stochastic square network of controlled cellular automata simulating right atrium tissue [ONLINE TALK]

2C: Computational Social Sciences I

Aula 3B

Chair: Pietro Gravino

Emergent local structures in an ecosystem of social bots and humans on Twitter

Fine-grained clustering of social media: How moral triggers drive preferences and consensus

The storm within: Hurricanes and socio-political leaning in climate change group behavior

Modeling emotional exposure in online self-help communities: A novel framework and Reddit case study

Unraveling Reddit discussions: User roles and opinion leaders on Wallstreetbets

Imitation vs serendipity in ranking dynamics

2D: Biological and Ecological Networks

Aula 10B

Chair: Pablo Villegas

Stochastic processes in ecology: From food webs to landscapes

Dispersal and network topology strongly influence stability of meta-ecosystems

Spatial networks models to explain emergent coexistence in microbial communities

Species range shifts lead to systematic changes in community stability over latitude

Combining Earth observation and graph-theory for assessing the network connectivity of green urban areas in European capitals

Using network methods for deciphering epigenetic dynamics in patients with post-COVID syndrome