Parallel Sessions 4
Wednesday, Jan 24th. 14:00 - 15:30
4A: Models of Complex Networks I
Aula 2A
Chair: Ofer Biham
14.00 - 14:15 Dario Mazzilli
Optimal transport in complex systems
14.15 - 14:30 Abdullahi A. Ibrahim
Optimal transport with constraints: from mirror descent to classical mechanics
14.30 - 14:45 Edward Lee
Innovation-exnovation dynamics on trees and trusses
14.45 - 15:00 Deok-Sun Lee
Scaling in local to global condensation of wealth on sparse networks
15.00 - 15:15 Cheick Tidiane Ba
Characterizing growth in decentralized socio-economic networks
15.15 - 15:30 Yu Gao
Heterogeneity- and homophily-induced vulnerability of a p2p network formation model: the IOTA autopeering protocol
4B: Mobility and Urban Networks I
Aula 2B
Chair: Alessia Calafiore
14.00 - 14:15 Silvia Rognone
Convexity fingerprints of urban street patterns
14.15 - 14:30 Tomas Scagliarini
Assessing the vulnerability of empirical infrastructure networks to natural catastrophes
14.30 - 14:45 Sofia Medina
Detection of anomalous spatio-temporal patterns of app traffic in response to catastrophic events
14.45 - 15:00 Lavinia Rossi Mori
How spatial proximity affects urban activities resilience: the case of COVID-19
15.00 - 15:15 Andrew Renninger
Understanding neighborhood isolation in the United States with diversity and exposure
15.15 - 15:30 Oriol Cabanas
Symbolic machine learning to understand human mobility
4C: Social Networks and Opinion Dynamics I
Aula 7B
Chair: Daniele Vilone
14.00 - 14:15 Laura Hernandez
Correlating open mindedness and network structure on a bounded confidence opinion dynamics model
14.15 - 14:30 Akrati Saxena
Social influence maximization and minimization: A fairness-aware perspective
14.30 - 14:45 Valentina Pansanella
Similar Minds: Similarity-based influence in bounded confidence opinion dynamics
14.45 - 15:00 Giovanni Palermo
Spontaneous opinion swings in the voter model with latency
15.00 - 15:15 Giulio Iannelli
Filter Bubble effect in opinion dynamics models
15.15 - 15:30 Kleber Andrade Oliveira
Echo chamber dynamics from polarization and spreading mechanisms
4D: Network Neuroscience and Medicine I
Aula 8B
Chair: Andrea Brovelli
14.00 - 14:15 Loredana Bellantuono
Liquidity of gene co-expression patterns across age, brain regions and diseases with complex heritability
14.15 - 14:30 Francesco Zambelli
Characterizing viral oncogenic features from protein-protein multilayer interaction networks
14.30 - 14:45 Nicola Pedreschi
States of functional connectivity flow and their multiplex dynamics in human epilepsy and postictal aphasia
14.45 - 15:00 Marianna La Rocca
Multiplex networks and XAI approaches for early diagnosis of brain disorders
15.00 - 15:15 Teresa Lázaro Sánchez
Probabilistic graph alignment applied to brain connectomes
15.15 - 15:30 Francesca Santucci
Noise-cleaning the precision matrix of fMRI time series