Parallel Sessions 6

Thursday, Jan 25th.  11:00 - 12:30

6A: Communities and Mesoscale Structures

Auditorium Santa Margherita

Chair: Shahar Somin

Unveiling mesoscopic structures in networks: The multi-scale Laplacian (MSL) framework

Decomposition and hierarchy of complex networks

Overlapping communities detection by commonality

Bayesian module-based regularization of correlation networks reveals more structure with less data

Flow stability for community detection on directed networks with missing edges

Revisiting the modularity-disease transmission link: Uncovering the importance of intra-modular structure

6B: Networks and Innovation

Ca’ Dolfin - Aula Magna

Chair: Carolina ES Mattsson

Patents for industrial pollution prevention and control

The geography of innovation dynamics

“Innovation does not halt by decree”: Unraveling the ChatGPT suspension in Italy and its consequences for the innovation-privacy nexus

The networked revolution: Decoding the explosive growth of online platforms

Leadership dynamics in open source software development

Midas: attract the golden investor?

6C: Computational Social Sciences IV

Ca’ Dolfin - Aula 1

Chair: Fabio Saracco

Cognitive network science unveils affective bias in GPT models mirroring math anxiety in high-school students

Human–AI adaptive dynamics drives the emergence of information cocoons

Emergence of scale-free networks from large language models social interactions

Understanding the evolution of western painting art using the stable diffusion model

Motivation-aware collaborative learning group formation in social networks

Professional development and experiential learning at the network science institute 

6D: Higher-Order Interactions III

Ca’ Foscari - Aula Baratto

Chair: Iacopo Iacopini

Between mechanisms and behaviors in higher-order systems

Higher-order laplacian renormalization of simplicial complexes

Emergence of dynamical turing patterns of topological signals coupled by the dirac operator

Pairwise and synergistic information transfer as warning signs of transitions outside of square lattices

Intra-order hyperedge overlap drives explosive collective behaviors in systems with higher-order interactions

Explosive cooperation in social dilemmas on higher-order networks